Diplomacy as an instrument for dealing with the world’s biggest problems is in decline. David Harland underlines that the world must reverse this trend by accepting a hierarchy of interests, rediscovering compromise and pragmatism, and working through hybrid diplomacy.
GPO 2024
A dedicated movement, a cross-sector approach, and ongoing minilateralism are key features of a new multilateralism. Reflecting on the 2023 Global Refugee Forum, Filippo Grandi argues that pledges can be turned into action through adequate funding and a holistic and humane view of displacement.
GPO 2024The 2023 BRICS Johannesburg Summit could harbinger a new foundation for coalition diplomacy. Jamil Chade describes the implications of the Summit for UN Security Council reforms, breaking the dominance of the US dollar, and new negotiation alliances on key global governance issues.
GPO 2024The human rights of women, girls and gender minorities should never become trade-offs in geopolitical games. Clair Somerville argues that there is a need for leadership to prevent the instrumentalisation of gender to break consensus-based multilateralism.
GPO 2024Stakes are high in 2024 as the new rules to govern pandemics enter the second year of negotiations. Suerie Moon outlines three main obstacles to reaching an international agreement: finding common ground on substantive issues, the form of rules, and the process to get there.
GPO 2024As the WTO approaches its 30th anniversary, it faces a stark choice: evolve to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century or drift toward the periphery of global governance. The authors argue that WTO members should commit to regearing the global trade system for a sustainable future.
GPO 2024Space governance is increasingly important worldwide. Ching Wei Sooi explains what drives this trend, and the importance of ensuring that space remains safe, secure, and sustainable. He also sets out the role that International Geneva can play on this emerging topic.
GPO 2024Global tensions, important elections and the growing call for checks and balances on powerful industry players will shape the context for AI governance in 2024. Roxana Radu argues for the importance of finding a common vocabulary, protecting non-digital knowledge and nurturing the voice of academia.
GPO 2024The time has come for a serious discussion about war and human rights. Andrew Clapham highlights the role of human rights to set out the obligations of parties to the conflicts and how human rights can be an additional instrument to protect civilians in times of war.
GPO 2024This article looks at the war in Gaza through the lens of water. The authors highlight how the fluid nature of water emphasises the importance of territorial sharing mechanisms, and make a case for working towards a special protection of water systems in the rules of war.
GPO 2024
In the midst of Russia’s war on Ukraine, there have been numerous peacemaking, humanitarian, and reconstruction initiatives. Fred Tanner reviews International Geneva’s role in these efforts and argues for a more multilateral and effective approach to conflict management and multi-track diplomacy.
GPO 2024